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Welcome to our Webinars page, where you can access recordings of Eczema Support Australia’s recent webinars. Each session features expert insights, lived-experience stories, and practical advice on managing eczema. Whether you’re looking for answers to common questions or seeking support for more complex issues, our webinars provide valuable information to help you navigate the challenges of eczema with confidence. Explore our library to stay informed and connected with the eczema community!


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Burning Eczema Questions - Ask An Expert

Burning Eczema Questions Webinar – September 12, 2024

We are excited to share the recording of our recent Burning Eczema Questions webinar, hosted by Eczema Support Australia’s Managing Director, Melanie Funk. This engaging session brought together a panel of lived-experience speakers and the highly respected dermatologist Dr. Li-Chuen Wong to address the most pressing eczema-related questions from our community.

The session opened with a warm welcome from Melanie Funk, who acknowledged the Traditional Custodians of the land and thanked the Quality Use of Medicines Alliance for their continued support in funding this vital initiative. Melanie also introduced the evening’s expert, Dr. Wong, and five passionate panellists—Jamie, Adriana, Koby, Rhea, and Kim—who shared their personal journeys with eczema throughout the event.

During the Q&A session, our panellists asked questions submitted by the attendees, and Dr. Wong provided expert insights and advice. Key topics covered include:

  1. What is Eczema, and Why Does it Happen?
    • Koby: “Is there a cure for eczema, or can we treat the root cause?” Dr. Wong explained the chronic nature of eczema, dispelling common myths and highlighting the need for foundational care.
  2. Eczema in Children
    • Koby: “Are there specific foods or allergens that cause eczema? Should I change my child’s diet? Which creams are safe to use on my baby?” Dr. Wong addressed concerns about diet, formula, and the safety of topical corticosteroids for young children, with practical advice for parents.
  3. Best Eczema Treatments
    • Kim: “How can I stop the itch, and why does eczema come back after I stop using topical steroid creams?” Dr. Wong provided guidance on moisturisers, topical corticosteroids (TCS), and the importance of ongoing management, even when symptoms seem to improve.
  4. Mental Health and Eczema
    • Rhea: “Is it just me, or does stress trigger eczema flares? What mental health support is available?” The panellists shared their personal struggles with the psychological toll of eczema, while Dr. Wong discussed resources for emotional support, including mental health plans.
  5. Safety of Topical Corticosteroids
    • Kim & Jamie: “Should we be worried about topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) or other side effects of steroid creams?” Dr. Wong addressed the concerns around TCS use, including TSW, and provided reassurance based on medical evidence. Personal experiences from Kim and Jamie helped contextualise this issue.
  6. Managing Difficult Eczema
    • Jamie: “What are my options when nothing seems to work?” Dr. Wong offered advice on next steps for severe eczema management, including when to consider moving beyond topical treatments.
  7. Alternative Treatments and Online Misinformation
    • Koby: “Are steroid-free creams or online sensitivity tests worth trying?” Dr. Wong discussed how to discern reliable information from marketing gimmicks and emphasized the importance of seeking evidence-based treatments.

Throughout the session, live polls helped us gauge the audience’s confidence in eczema care, and the panellists added their own experiences to complement Dr. Wong’s expertise.

Key Takeaways:

The webinar concluded with closing remarks from Melanie, who emphasized the importance of ongoing support and education. The session previewed the newly released Eczema Unfiltered video series, showcasing real Australians and their lived experiences with eczema, further promoting understanding and compassion around this often misunderstood condition.

We encourage you to watch the full recording of the webinar and explore additional resources available on our website, including the Eczema Unfiltered video series

Exploring New Therapies with Dr Gayle Ross

Living with eczema produces many challenges and requires constantly exploring options to find out what works best for you.

Dermatologist, Dr Gayle Ross shares valuable information on new and emerging treatments to help Australians living with eczema.

New Therapies Follow Up

Following the ‘Exploring New Therapies with Dr Gayle Ross’ a common question asked by the audience was regarding the use of existing eczema treatments. Specifically, how important is it to continue using topical creams and ointments such as steroids and moisturisers after starting on a new therapy, such as PBS listed Rinvoq or Dupixent.

Hear her response in this short video.